Private Music Lessons
Piano, Guitar & Voice
Members & Non, Ages 5+
Looking to begin piano or guitar lessons? It’s time to start. We have highly qualified instructors ready to teach you what you need to know.
New! Private voice lessons are back with new instructor, Julia Campbell. Don’t delay. Lesson times are first come-first serve.
Monthly pricing includes one lesson per week. Lessons length depends on age and level of student. There are no refunds for missed lessons. Lessons are held at the Staenberg Omaha JCC, in the music studios.
Private Music Lessons
price per month
30 minutes $138
45 minutes $185
60 minutes $250
Non Members
price per month
30 minutes $184
45 minutes $250
60 minutes $338
Space is limited – don’t delay! Fill out this form to get started.
To schedule or purchase contact Sophie Knauss at (402) 334-6402 or sknauss@jccomaha.org.

Lessons are held in our beautiful music studios!
Purchase Your Lessons
Call Us
Performing Arts Department
(402) 334-6402
Stop By
333 South 132nd Street Omaha, NE 68154