Staenberg Kooper Fellman Campus

Parking Lot Expansion Project

We listen to your feedback. A request we often hear is to increase our Fitness Center parking. With that in mind, we are pleased to announce the expansion of the upper level Fitness Center parking lot. This project will bring 55 new upper level Fitness Center parking stalls located where the Livingston Apartments stand.

Phase 1: March 18-20….Fitness Center Entrance and Parking CLOSED

Phase 1: March 18-20

Weather permitting, Phase I of the Parking Lot Expansion Project will begin on Tuesday, March 18th. It is estimated to take three days. Should it end earlier or extend later, we will let you know. Phase 1 will involve the complete closure of the Fitness Center entrance and upper-level Fitness Center parking.

From March 18-20, all Fitness Center visitors must use the Main Front Entrance to access the building.

AREAS CLOSED: March 18-20
• Fitness Center entrance (doors)
• All upper-level Fitness Center parking
• Fitness Center drive lane & traffic circle
• Sidewalk leading to the Fitness Center

Extra handicapped parking will be available in the main front entrance parking lot.The ring road around campus will remain open. See the map  for details.
As always, your health and safety is our top priority. Please be mindful that heavy construction equipment will be in use during this project. Please exercise additional caution when visiting our campus during this time.

The completion of the project will take place in four phases. Our goal is to have this new parking complete by the start of summer. We will communicate additional dates soon as they becomes available. We recognize that this project will bring some temporary inconveniences and for that we apologize. We will work to keep these disruptions as minimal as possible. We are confident that the end product will be worth it. We will do our best to communicate any updates in a timely manner. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to bring you one of the best facilities in Omaha.

Learn more about the Parking Lot Expansion Project and phases here.

Jewish Community Center of Omaha

Staenberg Kooper Fellman Campus
333 South 132nd Street
Omaha, NE 68154

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