Fitness Assessments

FREE for JCC Members Every 6 Months
Instructors: JCC Staff | Location: Fitness Center | Ongoing Program
Take advantage of everything your Membership has to offer! Every 6 months you are entitled to a free fitness assessment to identify your current fitness level and help you track your progress. Assessments. This is a great way to set goals and stay on track. To schedule, please contact the Fitness Center Staff to learn more.
Consultations Include:
- Health & Exercise History Review
- Resting Heart Rate & Blood Pressure Check
- Body Composition & Circumference
- Weight/Height Measurements
- Sub-Max Cardiovascular Test
- Strength & Endurance Tests

New! VO2 Testing
Instructors: JCC Staff | Location: Fitness Center | Ongoing Program
Exercise oxygen capacity is quickly becoming the leading predictor of longevity & future health. Researchers used the HUNT Study, one of the largest health studies ever completed, to validate the level of exercise people engaged in. Their data has suggested that exercise capacity is more powerful in assessing your risk of cardiovascular disease than the traditional risk factors of obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Researchers found timed exercise at sustained intensities was associated with…
• Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease mortality by an average of 25%
• Reduced risk of mortality from other lifestyle related diseases for all ages
• Increased life expectancy by average of 5 years
• Reduction in health care costs
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about your health metrics, learn what your exercise oxygen capacity is and how you can increase it!
Contact the Fitness Center Staff to schedule your FREE VO2 testing.
Study completed by the Nobel Prize-winning Faculty of Medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Health Care Costs: The Veterans Exercise Testing Study. 9,948 subject study for 11 years tested veterans in a clinical setting. Myers J, Doom, R. King R, Fonda H, Chan K, Kokkinos P, Rehkopf DH, Mayo Clinic Proc 93:48-55, 2018 www.ntnu.edu/hunt/about-hunt.
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Member Services
(402) 334-6426
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333 South 132nd Street Omaha, NE 68154
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Fitness Director
(402) 334-6580