School Break Specials
Members & Non Members, K-7th
School Break Specials are full day programs for kids who are out of school for scheduled breaks.
Questions? Contact Amanda Welsh at (402) 334-6409.
SBS Program Details
- School Break Specials run from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Open to Members & Non Members, K-7th grade.
- Registration is per day.
- Drop off & pick up are at the JCC Youth Lounge.
- Before & After Care is available. Additional registration is required.
- Kidz Inn participants must register for SBS. (Only Before & After Care is covered under Kidz Inn)
Upcoming Dates
Member registration is now open
Wednesday, March 19 | Wacky Wednesday
(OPS) Dress wacky and fill your day with fun and games. Clothes on backwards, eating science projects, pie in the face? Come and find out.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 3/12/25
Thursday, March 20 | Throwback Thursday
(OPS) We will be time travelers for the day visiting years and decades past and celebrating some popular games, treats and traditions.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 3/13/25
Friday, March 21 | March Madness
(OPS) It is that time again where the top collegiate basketball teams compete to see who is the best. We will have various competitions of our own to see who will come out on top!
*$20 Late fee registrations after 3/14/25
Monday, April 7 | Marvel Monday
(Millard) Calling all Super Heros, gather up your heroism and channel your super powers because we need help at the JCC solving crime and fighting villains.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 3/31/25
Tuesday, April 8 | Animal Planet
(Millard) We will explore jungles, safaris, oceans and deserts to see what kind of animals we can find. So break out your best animal print and your binoculars, and let’s go exploring.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/01/25
Wednesday, April 9 | Wacky Wednesday
(Millard) Dress wacky and fill your day with fun and games. Clothes on backwards, eating science projects, pie in the face? You bet!
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/02/25
Thursday, April 10 | Throwback Thursday
(Millard) We will be time travelers for the day visiting years and decades past and celebrating some popular games, treats and traditions.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/03/25
Friday, April 11 | Fiesta Friday
(Millard) Holy guacamole, this will nacho be your ordinary Friday and kids will taco ‘bout it for days to come. So forget the siesta, it’s time to fiesta on this Fiesta Friday
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/04/25
Monday, April 14 | Marvel Monday
(Friedel) Calling all Super Heros, gather up your heroism and channel your super powers because we need help at the JCC solving crime and fighting villains.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/07/25
Tuesday, April 15 | Animal Planet
(Friedel) We will explore jungles, safaris, oceans and deserts to see what kind of animals we can find. So break out your best animal print and your binoculars, and let’s go exploring.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/08/25
Wednesday, April 16 | Wacky Wednesday
(Friedel) Dress wacky and fill your day with fun and games. Clothes on backwards, eating science projects, pie in the face? You bet!
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/09/25
Thursday, April 17 | Throwback Thursday
(Friedel) We will be time travelers for the day visiting years and decades past and celebrating some popular games, treats and traditions.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/10/25
Friday, April 18 | Fiesta Friday
(Friedel & OPS) Holy guacamole, this will nacho be your ordinary Friday and kids will taco ‘bout it for days to come. So forget the siesta, it’s time to fiesta on this Fiesta Friday
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/11/25
Monday, April 21 | Homerun Ball
(OPS) Baseball season is upon us, and no matter what time you cheer for, today is going to be a homerun! We will create some favorite ballpark snacks, have a little homerun derby and design our own baseball teams.
*$20 Late fee registrations after 4/14/25
Price is per child.
Regular Hours: $42 / day
Extended Care: $55 / day
Non Members
Regular Hours: $52 / day
Extended Care: $65 / day
Registrations received less than one week prior to the date of the program will be subject to a $20 late registration fee. See the registration policy tab for details.
Additional Information
NEW! Updates to Youth Registration Policy
We’ve recently updated some of the terms of our registration policies for Youth programming. School Break Specials, Winter Break Specials, Spring Break Specials, and Kids Night Out programs are subject to the following terms.
- Registrations received 1 week prior to the date of the program will be subject to a $20 late registration fee. There must be at least 8 children registered in order to hold the program. If the minimum is not reached at least 5 days before the program, the program is subject to cancellation.
- Cancellations received more than 1 week in advance of the program will be eligible for a credit on your JCC account.
- Cancellations within 1 week of the program are not eligible for any credit or refund.
Before & After Care
School Break Special participants that need to be dropped off before the 9:00 a.m. or picked up after the 4:00 p.m. have the option of registering for Before & After Care.
- Before Care runs 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
- After Care runs 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Registration is per day.
- Breakfast is included for Before Care participants who arrive by 8:00 a.m.
- Afternoon snacks are included for those children in After Care.
- Price is per child and added onto the cost of the School Break Special.
Member & Non Member: +$12 / day
What to Bring
- Swimsuit (towels will be provided)
- Dairy Lunch (No meat or items that need to be reheated)
- Tennis Shoes & Socks
- Kids should wear clothes they can move, play, and create in.
There is no need to send extra money for activities. We also ask that kids leave their electronics and money at home. Children are solely responsible for all items they bring with them.
Lunch & Snack
Children should bring a dairy based lunch (no meat) with them every day.
We will refrigerate lunches if needed.
Do not send items that need to be heated.
A snack will be provided.
Before Care breakfast is served from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Health Form
Parents must complete a Youth Health Form (for each child) and return it to the JCC Youth Department on or before the first day of the program. The Health Form should be updated every year. Download the 2022-23 Jewish Community Center Health Form here.
Unaccompanied Youth Policy
All youth within our facility are expected to display appropriate behavior at all times. This includes:
- Consideration of Others
- Respect for the Facility & Staff
- Utilization of Appropriate Language
Any youth who is not behaving in a respectful manner (as deemed by the JCC staff) will be asked to leave. Examples of unacceptable behaviors include: destruction of property, running through the halls, failure to follow staff directives, rowdiness, and use of foul language.
Parents / guardians of unaccompanied youth will immediately be contacted by a member of the JCC staff. They will be asked to promptly pick up their child from the facility.
If a child is sent home, JCC privileges may be suspended until a meeting is convened with the parent or guardian.
The JCC cannot be held responsible for members age 11 and over attending the JCC and not enrolled in an organized activity.
Unaccompanied youth are NOT allowed to hang-out in the following areas:
- Locker Rooms
- Front Lobby Entrance
- Hallways
- Art Gallery
- Membership Services Entrance
- Health Spa Entrance
- When in any of the aquatic areas, children under the age of 12, must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children, under age 12, must also take a 25-meter swim test to determine their swim ability. Tests will be administered by a lifeguard. Children will be issued a wristband based on their results.
- The minimum age to use the Fitness Center is 13. Teens ages 13–16 must go through a mandatory orientation to ensure a safe and effective workout.
Youth Department Discipline Policy
In order to facilitate a safe, secure, fun environment for all participants attending JCC Youth Department activities the following policy has been implemented. This policy is not intended to be activated for minor “misbehaving” infractions. On a daily basis, the JCC Youth Department works with children who are having a “bad day”. Those types of behaviors, where neither malice nor destructive outcomes were intended will continue to be addressed at the Supervisor/Child level. Time-outs and, in some situations, loss of choice activity will continue to be the discipline implemented.
The Youth Department Discipline Policy will be activated when:
1. The number of minor infractions has been excessive; and /or
2. The behavior constitutes a violation against other children or adults, including unwelcome intentional touching or grabbing of another child, explicit and offensive verbal remarks (either sexual in nature or general taunting), name calling, vulgar or identifiable unacceptable language, or other verbal or physical conduct in violation of the JCC Youth Department Code of Conduct; and/or
3. The behavior constitutes a violation against the JCC or other children’s property and/or
4. The behavior constitutes a safety issue either for the child themselves, other children, or staff. In the event this policy is activated for any child, written documentation will be kept by the Director of all applicable dates, decisions and agreements (including a plan of action if needed.)
The formal discipline policy is as follows:
1. All enrolled children and their parents/guardian will sign a Conduct Contract acknowledging their notice and understanding of our Code of Conduct, and the potential repercussions of negative behaviors.
2. Upon occurrence of the first serious offense which is significant in nature to bring to the attention of the Youth Director, will result in a private discussion between the Youth Director and the child. The child will also be removed from their choice of activity for the day. The parent will be notified of the negative behavior and will be advised that if the same or related behavior is repeated, a parent conference will be required. The director will notify JCC management.
3. If the behavior continues, the child will again be removed from the group activities and the parents will be notified of the need for a Parent/Child/Director conference before the child can return to the program.
4. If the behavior still continues, a parent conference will again be required, (either with or without the child at the parent’s discretion). The child may be suspended from the program for a period of time up to 3 days (at Director’s discretion). The child will then be allowed to continue in the program only after the director and parent have prepared and agreed upon a plan of achieving acceptable behavior in the child.
5. If, after all of these steps, the behavior continues, the child will only be allowed to continue in the program if a professional counselor is involved (at the parent’s expense) in modifying the negative behavior. At this point, the professional will be asked to recommend a time frame for compliance based on the situation. If a professional is not brought in, or the time frame set forth is expended, the child will be expelled from the program with a date for re-entry set by the Director.
Under extreme circumstances and/or in situations when that child or other children’s safety is at risk, the Youth Director, with agreement from the JCC Executive Director, has the authority to ask a child to leave the program without following the above procedure.
Call Us
Member Services
(402) 334-6426
Stop By
Contact Us
Youth Department
(402) 334-6409