JCC Maccabi Games
Team Omaha will not be sending a delegation to the Maccabi Games this year. Athletes that would still like to attend the Games in Ft. Lauderdale or in Israel, reach out to Sam Lefkowitz at s.lefkowitz@jcca.org or 212-786-5128, and get more information about joining J-Team, JCC Maccabi’s Continental delegation.

COMPETE in friendly athletic competition
RACHMANUS Practice compassionate sportsmanship
TIKKUN OLAM Repair the world with JCC Cares service project
AMIUT YEHUDIT Learn about your Jewish identity from unique experiences that strengthen your connection to your friends, your community, and Israel.
Athlete Expectations & Commitment
- If an athlete wishes to compete in one of the team sports, but there are not enough to form an Omaha team, they can play on a mixed team, but will still represent Team Omaha.
- Each team will set its own practice schedule and attempt to take into account each player’s availability. Athletes are expected to consider Maccabi competition to be a high priority and to attend as many practices as possible.
- Players are expected to be on time for practices, suited up, and appropriately equipped.
- Players that attend a Jewish summer camp or Israel program are still eligible as long as they can attend the Games®.

In Israel teens 14-17 will experience three weeks of
JCC Maccabi, including a week-long competition
followed by a two-week immersive tour of Israel.
Highlights of the three-week program include:
• Community Service
• Large Cultural Events
• Global Jewish Connections
• Opening Ceremony
• Exploring Israel Through a Sports Lens
• 6 Midot (Values)
Sports Specialties:
Flag Football
Ice Hockey
Registration Fee for Israel with J-Team = $4,500
In Fort Lauderdale teens 12-16 will feel the magic of
the week-long competition along with program
highlights that include:
• Community Service
• Global Jewish Connections
• HangTime
• Opening Ceremony
• Evening Events
• 6 Midot (Values)
• Host Family Night
Sports Specialies:
3X3 Basketball
Flag Football
Ice Hockey
Star Reporter
Table Tennis
Registration Fee for Ft. Lauderdale with Team Omaha = $1,500 (split into payments of $375)
Team Omaha Delegation Head: Jacob Geltzer, jgeltzer@jccomaha.org | (402) 334-6404