Policies & Procedures
Member Code of Conduct
1) As the parent/legal guardian of the child/children listed on the membership application and those that may not be listed at the time of joining, I take full responsibility for the actions of the child/children and any and all minor guest(s) of my child.
2) Appropriate attire should be worn at all times while on the JCC premises. This includes wearing a shirt, shorts, and shoes over your bathing suit while inside the building. Shirts are required to be worn in the fitness center. Closed-toe shoes are required while using the athletic courts, participating in fitness training and classes, and in the fitness center.
3) All members, age 7 and older, are required to have their JCC access card with them at all times while on the premises of the JCC. The loss or theft of a membership card should be immediately reported to the JCC. A membership card replacement fee of $10 will be charged for lost or stolen cards.
4) Children, age 13 and under, must be accompanied by an adult anywhere on the JCC premises unless they are registered in a JCC program.
5) Members must be 13 years of age to use or be in the fitness center.
6) Members must be 16 years of age in order to participate in adult level group exercise classes.
7) Members must be 19 years of age to use the upper track in the gym.
8) Guests who comply with the conduct code are warmly welcomed and our guest policy requires the following:
a) The hosting member must be in good standing as a JCC member.
b) Guests should be accompanied by the JCC member. If the host JCC member cannot be present, the member must call the Member Services desk prior to the guest’s arrival at the JCC,
c) All guests age 16 and older are required to provide a driver’s license or other valid photo ID.
d) The host member has the option of using any guest passes on their account. In lieu of using a guest pass, a $12 daily guest fee will be charged for guests, age 4 and older.
e) The host member is ultimately responsible for the guest fee.
f) Guests younger than 18 will be required to receive a proof of entry stamp.
g) Youth 11 and under will be swim tested to determine to which area of the pool they should have access.
9) Members are required to adhere to posted schedules for usage of all JCC facilities. Members are not allowed to wait in the lobby before our scheduled opening hours. Staff are not able to allow access, and doors are set to unlock at the posted times.
10) In the event of emergency, alarms and storm warnings, members must follow staff instructions to cease activity and proceed to designated safety zones.
11) Items left overnight in lockers not purchased for annual use will be removed.
12) Children over 4 years of age may not be in a locker room designated for the opposite sex.
13) Everyone using the JCC must behave in a mature and responsible way, and respect the rights and dignity of other members, guests, visitors and staff.
14) Members should report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior to the JCC staff as soon as possible.
15) Members are not permitted to post flyers, posters and/or announcements on JCC property including tables, walls, bulletin boards or green space.
16) JCC reserves the right to change facilities hours, class schedules and equipment and will attempt to provide members with reasonable notice of such change.
17) Members will not engage in any of the following prohibited actions that include but are not limited to:
a) Angry, vulgar or inappropriate language (verbal or written on clothing, bags, etc..), including swearing, name-calling or shouting is prohibited
b) Physical contact with another person/guest in any angry or threatening way
c) Any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person
d) Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or any menacing behavior
e) Theft or behavior that results in destruction of property
f) Carrying or concealing any weapons or devices or objects that may be perceived as weapons
g) The use of all tobacco or THC products is prohibited, including: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco (chew, snuff, twist, and any others), and any other tobacco product. The use of vaporizers, e-cigarettes, and other Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) devices is also prohibited.
h) Use or possessions of illegal chemicals or alcohol on JCC property, in JCC vehicles or at JCC sponsored programs
i) Loitering is not permitted in or outside the JCC
j) Any other conduct of an inappropriate, threatening or offensive nature
k) The JCC reserves the right to suspend the Membership privileges without refund, of any Member, or to remove from the premises any Member, who aids or abets in the unauthorized entrance of a non-member, or who attempts to gain access to unauthorized areas of the JCC.
l) Any activity that is a conflict of interest with services the JCC provides, such as personal training, athletic training, athletic sports or swim lessons. Anyone providing any type of instruction, training, or coaching must be a member of the JCC staff or under JCC contract.
18) Any and all camera and video equipment, including cell phones, may not be used in locker rooms, dressing areas, shower areas, restrooms, swimming pools, and other areas deemed to be “private” within JCC facilities. Additionally, no camera or video equipment is permitted in the fitness center, and we ask that cell phone use in the fitness center be limited to texting and the provision of music. The JCC, through its Executive Director and Board of Directors, reserves the right to remove from the premises any individual acting in an inappropriate manner and further reserves the right to cancel the membership of any such person. The JCC reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who has been identified in the National Sex Offender Public Registry and/or convicted of a sexual offense. Any members and/or guests may be subject to removal and revocation of membership, without a refund, for any violation of the Code of Conduct of the JCC then in effect.
Guest Policies
Only current JCC Members in good standing can bring guests to campus. Guests should be accompanied by the JCC member. A member wishing to send a guest without being present, must call the Member Services Desk at (402) 334-6426 prior to the guest arriving.
- There is a daily guest fee for each guest, age 4 and older. Member Guest Passes may be used, if available.
- All guests, age 16 and older, are required to provide a driver’s license or other valid form of photo I.D.
- All guests, regardless of age, must be signed in at the Member Services Desk.
- Guests should be accompanied by the JCC member who is hosting/bringing them to the facility. Guests may only visit the facility on their own after the hosting member calls Member Services and gives verbal authorization.
- Guests younger than 18 will be required to receive a proof of entry stamp.
- Youth 11 and under will be swim tested to determine what pool depth they can swim in.
Fitness Center Rules
Fitness Center Rules
- Must be 13 years old to use or be in the Fitness Center.
- Parents must remain on campus while their children are in Fit & Sit programming
- You must be 19 to use the upper walking track in the gymnasium
- Appropriate attire should be worn at all times while on the JCC premises. Shirts are required to be worn in the fitness center. Closed-toe shoes are required while using the athletic courts, participating in fitness training and classes, and in the fitness center.
- Any and all camera and video equipment, including cell phones, may not be used in locker rooms, dressing areas, shower areas, restrooms, swimming pools, and other areas deemed to be “private” within JCC facilities. Additionally, no camera or video equipment is permitted in the fitness center, and we ask that cell phone use in the fitness center be limited to texting and the provision of music. The JCC, through its Executive Director and Board of Directors, reserves the right to remove from the premises any individual acting in an inappropriate manner and further reserves the right to cancel the membership of any such person. For full details please review our Member Code of Conduct.
- Members must be 16 to participate in adult level group exercise classes
- If you are new to a class, speak with the Instructor beforehand. They can give you an idea of the class format and provide details you may need to know.
- Medical clearance from your physician, prior to starting any exercise program, is highly recommended.
- If you are waiting for a class to begin, please do not enter the Aerobic Studio until the current class has finished.
- Be on time! If you are late, please take a spot at the back of class and do your best not to disrupt those already participating.
- Arrive early for all Spin classes, so that you can set up your bike prior to class.
- Wear appropriate workout clothes. Sneakers are required for all classes except Yoga and Pilates. All shoes worn in the Aerobics Studio should be different from your street shoes. Use the benches outside of the Aerobics studio to change your shoes before and after class.
- Remember your personal hygiene and refrain from wearing strong perfume and cologne.
- Water brought into class must be in an unbreakable container. Food is not permitted. You may bring your own towel to class if needed.
- Be respectful and keep conversation to a minimum. All cell phones must be turned OFF or put on silent during class.
- All equipment used (mats, balls, steps, etc.) should be cleaned and returned to their proper storage location when class ends.
- Parents must remain on campus while their children are in Kids Boot Camp
Pool Rules
All Members and Non Members must abide by the following pool rules when using our facilities. Lifeguard(s) on duty have the final say regarding all pool rules, pool regulations and pool situations. Pool management will back lifeguard(s).
1. Proper bathing suits are required. No underwear, cut-off jeans/pants or colored t-shirts are allowed in the pool.
2. Infants and toddlers who are not potty-trained are required to wear a specially made swim diaper, Happy Nappy. No disposable diapers or rubber pants are permitted in the pool.
3. Children, ages 8 and under, who are in or near the water must be actively supervised by an adult guardian who is within arm’s reach. Children, age 11 and under, must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
4. Children, age 11 and under, must take a 25 meter swim test to determine their swim ability. Tests will be administered by a lifeguard. Children will issued a wristband based on their results.
5. Children, age 11 and under, must wear their designated swim level wrist band at all times. Bands are issued to children after the completion of their swim test.
6. The following items are NOT allowed in our aquatic facilities:
- Outside food and/or drink
- Glass containers. (Empty, plastic water bottles are allowed.)
- Drugs, alcohol or tobacco
- Weapons of any kind
- Outside Inflatables: Balls, Tubes, Rafts, Water Wings, etc. (Coast Guard approved vests / puddle jumpers ok)
7. The following behavior policies will be enforced at all times:
- No pushing or throwing persons into the pool.
- No horseplay. No running, dunking, jumping on one another, spitting or riding on shoulders.
- No hitting, kicking, or violence of any sort.
- No prolonged under water swimming or breath holding is allowed.
8. Hanging on pool equipment such as ropes and ladders, is not allowed. Improper use of water features is not allowed.
9. Outside inflatables (balls, rafts, water wings etc.) are not permitted in the pool facility. Individuals requiring flotation assistance may use US Coast-Guard approved PFDs (life vests) only.
10. Diving is only permitted in water deeper than 9 feet. Be aware of what (or who) may be beneath you when entering the pool.
11. You must be 48″ tall (and have a green level swim band) to use the water slide.
12. The JCC is not responsible for your personal property.
Gymnasium Rules
Those using the gym are expected to respect others and our facility. Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of gymnasium privileges:
• No soccer, baseball or football
• No kicking or sitting on basketballs
• No hanging on rims
• No dunking on lowered rims
• No foul language
• Shirts and proper footwear required
• Place all garbage in trash cans
Unaccompanied Youth / Minor Policy
Effective Immediately: All children, ages 13 and under, MUST be accompanied by an adult when in our facility.
No member under the age of 13 years will be able to use JCC facilities unless they are
1) accompanied by a parent OR
2) registered for an existing JCC program, which includes; swim lessons, dance lessons, piano lessons, JCC basketball league, and/or youth department programs
3) have a private, semi-private, or small group session with a personal trainer
Youth Department Behavior Policies
JCC Youth Department DISCIPLINE POLICY In order to facilitate a safe, secure, fun environment for all participants attending JCC Youth Department activities the following policy has been implemented. This policy is not intended to be activated for minor “misbehaving” infractions. On a daily basis, the JCC Youth Department works with children who are having a “bad day”. Those types of behaviors, where neither malice nor destructive outcomes were intended will continue to be addressed at the Supervisor/Child level. Time-outs and, in some situations, loss of choice activity will continue to be the discipline implemented. The Youth Department Discipline Policy will be activated when: 1. The number of minor infractions has been excessive; and /or 2. The behavior constitutes a violation against other children or adults, including unwelcome intentional touching or grabbing of another child, explicit and offensive verbal remarks (either sexual in nature or general taunting), name calling, vulgar or identifiable unacceptable language, or other verbal or physical conduct in violation of the JCC Youth Department Code of Conduct; and/or 3. The behavior constitutes a violation against the JCC or other children’s property and/or 4. The behavior constitutes a safety issue either for the child themselves, other children, or staff. In the event this policy is activated for any child, written documentation will be kept by the Director of all applicable dates, decisions and agreements (including a plan of action if needed.) The formal discipline policy is as follows: 1. All enrolled children and their parents/guardian will sign a Conduct Contract acknowledging their notice and understanding of our Code of Conduct, and the potential repercussions of negative behaviors. 2. Upon occurrence of the first serious offense which is significant in nature to bring to the attention of the Youth Director, will result in a private discussion between the Youth Director and the child. The child will also be removed from their choice of activity for the day. The parent will be notified of the negative behavior and will be advised that if the same or related behavior is repeated, a parent conference will be required. The director will notify JCC management. 3. If the behavior continues, the child will again be removed from the group activities and the parents will be notified of the need for a Parent/Child/Director conference before the child can return to the program. 4. If the behavior still continues, a parent conference will again be required, (either with or without the child at the parent’s discretion). The child may be suspended from the program for a period of time up to 3 days (at Director’s discretion). The child will then be allowed to continue in the program only after the director and parent have prepared and agreed upon a plan of achieving acceptable behavior in the child. 5. If, after all of these steps, the behavior continues, the child will only be allowed to continue in the program if a professional counselor is involved (at the parent’s expense) in modifying the negative behavior. At this point, the professional will be asked to recommend a time frame for compliance based on the situation. If a professional is not brought in, or the time frame set forth is expended, the child will be expelled from the program with a date for re-entry set by the Director. Under extreme circumstances and/or in situations when that child or other children’s safety is at risk, the Youth Director, with agreement from the JCC Executive Director, has the authority to ask a child to leave the program without following the above procedure.
Prohibited Items
The following items are NOT ALLOWED to be brought in or on the Staenberg Kooper Fellman Campus
- Drugs, Alcohol and/or Tobacco
- Firearms and/or Weapons of Any Kind
The following items are NOT ALLOWED within the Goldstein Family Aquatic Center
- Outside Food and/or Drink
- Glass of Any Kind (Empty plastic water bottles are okay)
- Outside Inflatables: Balls, Tubes, Rafts, Water Wings, etc. (Coast Guard approved vests / puddle jumpers okay)
- Drugs, Alcohol and/or Tobacco. Vaping of any kind is prohibited.
- Firearms and/or Weapons of Any Kind
Inclement Weather Policies
Indoor & Outdoor Pool Inclement Weather Policy We follow the National Weather Service policy for inclement weather. In the event of weather involving lightning and thunder, the following policies and procedures will be observed in both the outdoor and indoor pools. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we follow these policies to ensure your safety and well-being. Thunder: When thunder is heard, the pools will close for 30 minutes, meaning no one is allowed in either body of water. Lightning: When lightning is spotted, the pools will be closed. Pools will re-open 30 minutes post storm or when deemed appropriate by staff. Outside Temperature: The NOAA RADAR Pro App will be used for temperature readings. We will use the “feels like” reading to account for wind and sun. Open swim will be held if the reading is at least 35 degrees. Swim Team will be held if the reading is at least 65 degrees. Splash Pad usage will be held if the reading is at least 70 degrees. _____________________________________________________________________________ Little Lions Winter League Inclement Weather Policy If we are to cancel games, we will give two hours’ notice to the coaches. For example, if we are going to cancel 12:30 p.m. games, we will make the decision and communicate it by 10:30 a.m. The coaches will be emailed and called. You may also call Member Services at (402) 334-6426 to get the most up to date information. _____________________________________________________________________________ Dance Department Inclement Weather Policy In the event of inclement weather, there will be a message on the Dance Departments outgoing voice mail. This can be reached by calling (402) 334-6406. Please check one hour prior to the start time of your class to find out if class is canceled or continuing as normal. We DO NOT follow suit with School Closings, so please call. You may also call the Front Desk (402) 334-8200 or Member Services (402) 334-6426 to get the latest information. _____________________________________________________________________________ General weather related closing questions can be directed to… Member Services Desk: 402-334-6426 JCC Front Desk: 402-334-8200 CDC Front Desk: 402-334-6413
Dance Department Policies
Click here to view the current Dance Department policies.
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Our Mission
The mission of the Jewish Community Center of Omaha is to create a positive Jewish environment in which to build, strengthen, and preserve Jewish identity and traditions. The JCC reaches out to the Jewish community and provides its members with a unique opportunity to associate through a variety of social, cultural, recreational, educational and physical fitness programs, activities, and services.

Health & Well-Being
To provide facilities and programs that promote physical, social and emotional well-being.

To provide belonging, connectedness, and inclusiveness through programs and partnerships.

To provide the opportunity for personal growth and life-long learning.

To incorporate traditional Jewish morals and values to successfully meet our mission.